Workshop 3 - The Final Push


Session A

Mondays, Dates TBA

Sessions B

Tuesdays, Dates TBA

CTCE Fall Workshop Session A will tackle the multitude of supplemental essays necessary to complete applications to individual schools. The supplemental essays are notorious for being overlooked and underestimated by applicants. In order to avoid last second scrambling and mediocre results, Fall Workshop A students will systematically draft and finalize profound and poignant responses. This is the workshop for the family who wants a thoroughly polished essay for submission.

CTCE Fall Workshop Session B is comprised of three parts: conceptualizing, drafting, and finalizing the Common Application admissions essay. Students will learn to identify their most compelling narratives and attributes, develop and structure their body of writing for maximum effect, and refine their prose for style and accuracy. In an environment designed to reduce anxiety and perfectionism while amplifying joy and meaning, students will leave the fall workshop with a final product ready for submission.

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